The Self Care Suite

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Time to Complete Your 2020 Inventory

While this has been a year of great loss and great stress for many (myself included), I’m beginning to feel grateful for the lessons I’m able to cull for myself and those around me. In all these chaotic news headlines I’ve found clarity, the ability to see myself and my life clearer than ever. 

I’ve pulled together this 2020 Inventory because in a year this big, we gotta evaluate where you’ve landed as we head into a new year. I want to know: What have you learned about yourself? Self-discovery happens in all seasons, even the sucky ones. 

Take 10 minutes to read through the questions and answer them silently to yourself. Be honest, be fair and be as loving as you can to yourself as you make your way through.

Note: There is no pressure to answer this inventory “positively.” Your answers are your answers and your 2020 experience is yours alone to claim. This activity is for YOU to see where the dust has settled and to know where you’re hurting or healing as we stare down 2021. 


Are you more or less patient? 

Are you more or less aware of what you need to be “well”?

Are you more or less physically active? 

Are you more or less rested? 

Are you more or less able to set aside time for yourself? 

Are you more or less optimistic? 

Are you more or less satisfied in your day to day life?

Are you more or less willing to go along to get along? 

Are you more or less dedicated to getting a full night of rest? 


 Are you more or less likely to share how you’re really feeling?

Are you more or less willing to share when you need help? 

Are you more or less committed to the idea of quality time with your loved ones?

Are you more or less convinced that certain relationships are a central part of your life? 

Are you more or less attuned with your definition of “lonely”? 


Are you more or less confident in your abilities? 

Are you more or less dedicated to showing up as your full self?

Are you more or less preoccupied with how people perceive you?

Are you more or less confident in your ability to get things done?  


Are you more or less creative in your pursuits?

Are you more or less connected to nature? 

Are you more or less able to find delight in the “little things”? 

Are you more or less likely to daydream about your future goals?


Are you more or less spiritually inclined? 

Are you more or less oriented toward “finding the good”? 

Are you more or less convinced there is a “higher power” guiding you?

Are you more or less interested in being alone with your thoughts? 

Fill in the Blank

I would dub 2020 my Year Of ______________.

If I had to pinpoint one character trait that got the most use this year, I’d pick ________.

If I could go back to January 2020 Me and tell them one thing, I’d tell them ________.

I’d consider 2021 a success if _____________________.

If you’re a Good Morning SuiteHeart subscriber, hit reply to our text to let us know how it felt to complete the inventory!