The Self Care Suite

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How To Prioritize Yourself In The Busy Seasons

You read that headline and were probably thinking: When isn't it a busy season for me? When do I get to have a slow season?I feel you.The past two months have been a whirlwind for me. I've been planning out of state events, strategizing with my business coach on my plans for 2019, prepping to launch new products and services, as well as doing the everyday care that keeps my house functioning.This is the first year that I managed to plan #HereWeGrow, my big, four day annual self-care retreat, without a single tear. No major breakdowns. My stress levels were elevated for sure, but I took everything in stride and I got it done.The major key between this year and previous years is:

  • I took time every day to check in with myself, so I would know which days I could go full force and which days I needed to take it easy.
  • I accepted help from people who offered it and asked for help from those who didn't.
  • I decided I wasn't doing anything extra around the house. My son asked me this week, "Mommy, when's the last time you cooked dinner?" ðŸ˜‚ My grocery/eating out budget is SHOT but I feel okay about that since I literally did not have the mental capacity to cook.
  • I leaned on my friends and soaked in their good wishes and offers of support.

All of this is to say that self-care is MORE important when you're in a busy season.It is MORE important that you go to the gym if you have a busy day filled with meetings.It is MORE important that you take a few minutes to get centered in the morning if you know you won't get a chance to rest until the evening.It is MORE important that you return that friend's text/call when you're swamped.It is MORE important that you schedule that massage/date/pedicure/therapy session when your life feels incredibly full.Self-care isn't something you "fit in" when you have the time. We have to make the time, or otherwise, we deplete ourselves too quickly. Then we REALLY won't have the energy to replenish ourselves later on.LET ME HEAR FROM YOU: Do you tend to keep sight of yourself during the busy season or are you the first thing to leave your priority list when you're stressed?