The Self Care Suite

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In A Bit Of A Funk? Here's What I Do To Shake It Off

I woke up this past Friday and felt like someone had taken all my emotions, scrambled them all up and put them back haphazardly, to where I couldn't quite place my finger on which was which. I got up and was feeling very overwhelmed and anxious.Instead of doing the thing that felt most natural to me (bottling it up and hoping that if I kept busy, the feeling would pass), I decided to let it out.I posted the following to Facebook:This is new for me: being vulnerable about how I'm truly doing. In years past, I would have just put on my mask, choked down my anxieties and went about my day like nothing was happening.But I've come to realize (and maybe you have too) that wearing the mask does not serve anyone. As I tell women I coach, "You wear the mask because you don't want people to see you. But you forget that in wearing a mask, you can't see YOU either."If you're in a funk, don't bottle it up. It's healthier to let it out, where those feelings can breathe and you can sift through them to see what the underlying cause is. You can share it with a friend or family member, talk to a professional or get it out in a journal.Whatever it is, remember that you don't have to go through life alone. And also remember: #MaskOff.