The Self Care Suite

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The News Is Too Much. Here's What To Do.

If you have spent any amount of time awake this week, you'll know that it feels like the world is on fire. Cruel and unjust familial separation of families seeking asylum at the border, shootings of unarmed citizens, discrimination, and other acts of violence have been dominating the headlines for so long it's hard to breathe.I wouldn't be a good self-care coach if I didn't share some information on how to get through these and the next wave of shitty headlines. (Because you know it's coming.) My three tips:

  1. Do something. It doesn't really matter what it is. Donate or share what you can on social media. Doing something combats the feeling of helplessnes and overwhelm. We can't fix everything but that doesn't mean we can't fix something.

  2. Do a brain dump. At times like this, we are ingesting two, three times more information than normal because we just can't seem to look away when other people are suffering. So before you go to bed, get a notebook and dump out what you've been carrying all day.

  3. Move your body. Now that you've released that mental weight, you still need to do something about that physical stress. Do some light stretching or bust a real sweat at the gym. That stress has to go somewhere.

Try all three and let me know how you feel. If you need to surround yourself with more support, join our private support group, The Suite, on Facebook.