7 Types of Rest: Creative Rest

For the next seven days we’ll be talking about the seven different types of rest and why you might be struggling even though “you’re taking care of yourself.”

Author Saundra Dalton-Smith outlines each in her book, “Sacred Rest.” There’s creative, mental, emotional, social, sensory, spiritual and physical rest, all of which serve a different purpose in your self-care toolkit.

Let’s dive into Creative Rest here.


CREATIVE REST is allowing yourself to be inspired and to, well, create!

When life gets busy, it can be hard to find the energy or desire to be creative. When you’re spending most of your energy on survival and maintaining any semblance of normalcy, spending time being creative feels like a luxury.

But instead of looking at it as being a luxury, what if we look at it as a reminder that we are alive and we’re worth taking a moment to pause? We’re worth the time it takes to put a smile on our face, whether that’s by painting, crafting, dancing or whatever you personal favorite is.

When I’m in a rut, I turn to a few of my favorite folks who just ooze creativity from their pores. Happy to share them with you below:

Tara Jefferson

Tara Jefferson is the founder of The Self Care Suite. 


7 Types of Rest: Physical Rest


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