Does "Self-Care" Seem Overwhelming?

As someone who is known for being a self-care coach, who hosts self-care retreats and runs a self-care subscription box (and sends you weekly newsletters allllll about self-care), even I gotta admit I feel like the word is run into the ground these days.When I first started talking about self-care five years ago, I was mainly focused on getting women to carve out time in their daily lives for themselves.It was that simple.And it still is.But somewhere along the line, self-care turned into a buzzword that has lost a lot of meaning. It has morphed from something transformative and inspiring to a pressure-filled expectation in an already crowded life. "I'm supposed to fit self-care into my schedule how?"I hope I haven't contributed to that feeling.Call it what you want. Self-care. Being present. Taking care of yourself. Prioritizing mental wellness. Me-time. Recharging.Whatever you call it, make it personal. Block out any noise that doesn't feed you (even if it's coming from me!) and focus your energy on what you need to feel supported.If you are not a yoga person, then don't put pressure on yourself to be "into" yoga. Go take a nap.If you think meditation is boring and you just fall asleep anyway, go hash out your inner dialogues with a therapist.If you don't like strangers rubbing on you, skip the massage and just soak in the tub.Do. What. Works. For You.Seriously.My main goal is for every woman to understand herself well enough to know what she needs and how to advocate for it. That's it. No kale smoothies or downward dog required.


When Do You Take The Time To Replenish?


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