Insecure Episode 6: "Guilty AF" (Or, I Don't Know How I Feel About This)

insecure-hbo-episode-6Last week's episode threw me for such a loop that I decided I wouldn't know how I felt about it until I saw how Issa handled it.In case you missed it (and stop reading if you don't want spoilers), Issa leaned a bit too heavily on her ex-friend with benefits Daniel in the aftermath of her students finding out about her ratchet open mic performance. Granted, Daniel should have been the one to fix it since he's the one who blabbed to her students. But one thing lead to another and the next thing the viewers know, Daniel is shirtless and stroking Issa on the couch in the studio.She leaves afterward, face and body language full of shame. As she sits outside the apartment she shares with Lawrence we're wondering: will she confess?The answer is no. At least, not yet. But I feel the reveal coming.Let's back up a bit.We begin episode 6, "Guilty AF" with Issa coming home to Lawrence. He has a surprise for her: he called a friend and made her possibly career ending video disappear. So much for needing Daniel's help.She's overwhelmed by the guilt of knowing that she was with Daniel all day while Lawrence, her boo, her love of five years, was both turning down invitations from eager, beautiful women (remember Tasha from the bank?) and fixing her problems. Later on we see that he has another job interview too. Lawrence is looking more and more like the perfect dude and Issa is flailing.Later that evening he tries to kiss her a bit but as we all know, you can't have sex with two people back to back. Issa fakes her way out of it and feels like she's safe...for now.Next we check in on Molly, who dumped Enterprise Rent-A-Car employee Jared for her shot at Chris the Lawyer. That relationship went south (I'm sensing a pattern here, Molly) and Molly went right back to Jared to soothe her hurt feelings. But he wasn't having it. I have to admit I laughed a bit at him looking so mean while eating what is possibly the most juvenile cereal of all time, Cookie Crisp.Issa makes a fancy "please don't notice that I smell like another dude's boxers" breakfast for Lawrence that I am completely jealous of and they make plans to go on a date. After the movies that evening, Lawrence tries to take her to a jewelry store to look at engagement rings but the guilt catches up with Issa and she leaves abruptly.Molly invites Jared over and cooks a meal for him. Again Molly, going from 0 to 100 is your specialty, huh? They have quick counter sex ("Have you tried Blue Apron?" is the funniest mid-sex sentence ever uttered) and share a bit about their past. Molly is stunned to hear that once upon a time, Jared engaged in some same-sex sex, even though she just admitted to the same thing.When she meets up with Issa, Kelli (hey girl!), and Tiffany, she shares this latest tidbit and wonders if this means he's gay. I loved the conversation about the sexual fluidity double standard -- women are allowed more freedom with their sexuality with men. And for black men the rules are even more strict.  It's the whole reason "No homo" became a thing -- men felt like they might be judged for giving another man a compliment.In the end, Molly decides to try to move forward with Jared but ultimately can't see herself moving past it. *sigh* While Molly is leaning on Issa for support, Issa confesses that she slept with Daniel. Molly slips into best friend mode, asking two questions and delivering a final decree: "Are you okay? Are you gonna do it again? Don't tell Lawrence."Issa comes home to catch Lawrence in the mirror rehearsing for his upcoming interview. She jumps on him for an overdue night of the sex. LOL.But when Lawrence gets up in the middle of the night, he trips over Issa's purse and sees a text from Daniel. Does he think something's up? We shall see in episode 7!Best scenes: 

  • I really liked Jared and Molly together and their sex scenes are sexy and hilarious to me. I wanted one more in this episode. LOL
  • The play that Issa, Molly, Tiffany and Kelli go see was hilarious. I would go see the whole thing.
  • I like seeing Issa step up in her job. I keep thinking this is "Misadventures of an Awkward Black Girl" and that Issa, like her character on that show, hates her job, but Issa seems to be flourishing at We Got Y'all.
  • The flashbacks to Issa's affair were steamy. Yessss! Sorry about your guilt, Issa, but keep 'em coming!

My predictions: 

  • Issa and Lawrence don't make it to season 2. I'm going to be hurt when this happens so I'm bracing myself now. Oh, and I think Lawrence is going to get this next job. Definitely will bear little resemblance to the gray sweatshirt wearing dude we met in episode 1.
  • Molly goes on a dating hiatus. This might just be my wish. Molly, girl. You need some hobbies. Or at the very least, you gotta slow it down. Every man won't be your husband.
  • Daniel and Issa become a thing -- if only for a little while. I'm still mad at how easily Issa gets flustered around him but they have chemistry. If Lawrence is gone, I don't think she will have the willpower to resist.

Did you catch episode 6, "Guilty AF"? What did you think? Are my predictions off?


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