The Self Care Suite

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Manage Your Self-Care With Google Calendar

Today a friend alerted me to an update to Google Calendar, the app that basically runs my life. If it's not on my calendar, it doesn't exist. I have about 30 reminders a day that help me keep track of things until that magic day when I can say, "You're hired!" to my first assistant. (That day is coming soon, my friends.)Now, with the update, you can also plug in your goals!Google Calendar goal updateGoogle Calendar goal update 2Like how did Google know I need all the help I can get? And as my friend mentioned, the fact that Google has a section for "Me-time" is just another reminder that we all could use a bit more of it. Click on the "Me-time" section and these are some of the options that come up.Google Calendar goal update 3 I love that you can input your own personal hobby (like sewing or writing) and it will help you be accountable to them. It asks you how often you would like to accomplish the task, how long you'd like to participate in the activity and what's the best time of day for you.Google Calendar goal update 6Once you tell it what you want, now then it will schedule it in the open slots on your calendar and bam! You've got your marching orders for the week. You can tweak it if anything doesn't quite fit in your schedule and over time, Google Calendar will adjust automatically.I'm a big fan of using technology in the way it was meant to be used -- to simplify our lives and make the difficult less impossible. For all you assistant-less women out there juggling too much, check out the new update and let me know what you think.