People Pleasers Anonymous: My New Course On Getting Free

Over the past two years, I've been on a mission to peel back the layers and figure out why so many women have trouble with making self-care an integral part of their lives.

It wasn't until I was on the therapy couch myself and had an aha moment with my therapist.

"Am I a people pleaser?" I said out loud to myself.

My therapist smiled and cocked her head to the side. "What makes you ask that?"

It was simple. Most of my sessions were about navigating the issues in my life but I would always hesitate when the solutions involved possibly making someone else uncomfortable or even upset. Nine times out of ten, I'd look for a solution where I made the teeniest tiniest changes to the status quo, just to avoid falling out with anyone.

Sound familiar? It took a whole lot of reading, and therapy sessions and practice to begin to recognize my people pleasing ways and how to change them.

This is why I'm happy to announce my latest FREE course, "People Pleasers Anonymous." It's a 5-day email challenge where we will dig deep and help you reclaim your voice.

No more "going along to get along."

No more saying "yes" when you really mean "hell no."

No more giving more weight and consideration to other people's feelings more often than you do your own.

If you'd like to join the course, sign up here.


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