7 Types of Rest: Social Rest

For the next seven days we’ll be talking about the seven different types of rest and why you might be struggling even though “you’re taking care of yourself.”

Author Saundra Dalton-Smith outlines each in her book, “Sacred Rest.” There’s creative, mental, emotional, social, sensory, spiritual and physical rest, all of which serve a different purpose in your self-care toolkit.

Let’s dive into Social Rest here.


Dalton Smith defines SOCIAL REST as the wisdom to recognize relationships that revive from ones that exhaust and how to limit exposure to toxic people.

Here at The Self Care Suite, we obviously believe in the power of community. But while we each get to define what our networks look like for ourselves, I do believe we will get farther if we have these three people in our midst:

A first responder — someone who knows your current life intimately and can pick up on what you might need in an emergency. ⁣ ⁣

A “same season” friend — someone whose kids are the same age as yours, or who just graduated like you, or who started their biz around the same time. They get where you’re coming from. ⁣ ⁣

A “gimme perspective” friend — someone who’s ahead of you a bit, who’s experienced more of what you’re currently going through, who can broaden your perspective. ⁣

Do you have all three? Who are you missing in your squad?

More from the REST series:

Tara Jefferson

Tara Jefferson is the founder of The Self Care Suite. 


7 Types of Rest: Emotional Rest


7 Types of Rest: Spiritual Rest