5 FREE Things You Can Do To Instantly Improve Your Mood

S58The further I go on my self-care journey, the more I realize that we have to do something about the day-to-day stress we carry. No matter how much we purge our lives and delete negativity from our lives, inevitably there will still be some minor or major stressors in our day. That's what adulthood is.So I gathered a few of my favorite tricks from my arsenal that I use on those days when I'm mad, frustrated, sad or just really overwhelmed. Hope at least one of them help you too:Take a NapThere's something about a 45-minute nap that can completely change the tone of my day. I tend to hold stress in my body physically, so when I'm frustrated, my shoulders and my jaw are usually tense. I also get headaches depending on the stress levels, so retreating to my bed for a few minutes allows me to rest and release some of that tension and wake up with a clearer head. If you can't nap during the day (hello children or demanding desk job), taking a 15-minute break (outside, preferably) can help you reset in the same way.Declutter Your MindEvery Sunday, I start the day by doing a brain dump. Everything that I'm thinking about -- from what's for dinner, when are my appointments, what deadlines do I need to meet -- goes on one piece of paper.The act of transferring my jumble of thoughts from my brain to paper feels good. I can breathe. I can relax. Because I can see what I need to do versus trying to make sense of it in the dark, confusing recesses of my mind. This simple act allows my week to get off to a smoother start and eliminates a lot of the overwhelm and anxiety that used to derail me daily.Eat Some GreensYou ever notice the difference in how you feel after you eat a cheeseburger and fries versus a piece of fruit? That beef might be delicious, but I definitely notice that I'm a little sluggish after a big, heavy meal.  When you're having a rough time, try to add more fruits and veggies to your plate to keep your energy levels from plummeting.Phone a FriendHow many of us find ourselves keeping our stress from our friends, because we don't want to burden them with our problems? But we're also the same people who drop everything to be there for a friend.Relationships are a two-way street and if you don't allow yourself to also receive love from friends, then what is the point? Allow people to support you, even if that means you have to be vulnerable. If you feel like you can't get support from your friends, then maybe it's time to get a new crew.Bust a SweatHere's a confession: I hate going to the gym. So I don't. I keep my $10/month Planet Fitness membership for those three days a year I actually feel like going on the elliptical but the rest of the year? I dance with my kids, walk around the block, or throw on a Jillian Michaels DVD.Exercise is one of the few moments in my life where I'm only thinking about how many reps I've done or how much longer I have on a certain move. It's solo therapy. I may not want to get off the couch and get moving, but once I'm done, I'm so happy I've done it.

What do you do for yourself on those days that you're struggling to make it through? 



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