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#Insecure Episode 4: "Thirsty AF" (Or, Girl, What Are You Doing?)

insecure-hbo-episode-4When we left off on episode 3, Issa and Lawrence threw out their old "bouch" (best inside joke that makes me laugh every time I think of it) and it seemed like the long-term couple was heading for a fresh start.When we kick off episode 4, "Thirsty As F***," we see Lawrence coming back from a run and Issa invites him in the shower with her. But as anyone who has ever tried to shower with their boo knows, that ish rarely plays out well in real life. Ain't never romantic. Hair gets all wet. Water temperature is either too hot or too cold for one person. Not a good vibe. But they tried, so I give them that.They go out shopping for a new couch and laugh a little together, Lawrence even saves Issa a bit of pie from her favorite pie spot. So far, so good, right?But then Daniel, Issa's ex, stops by Issa's workplace to, um, apologize, I guess? It seemed weird for him to just show up after the last time we saw him he was telling Issa he wasn't interested in a relationship. It's so clear that Issa is feeling him and he's feeling her, but damn, I really just like Lawrence, okay? Issa, girl, leave Daniel alone.Molly goes on a date with Dr. Michael, one of her first hook-ups from the exclusive dating app, The League. She's all excited to go out with someone "on her level" and doesn't even notice the subtle moment when it all goes wrong. If this is how dating in 2016 is, let me go snuggle up to my husband because I am not able! We are gonna have to ride this thing til the wheels fall off because I refuse to sit here and scroll through apps looking for a boo.I love Molly and her loyalty. Issa calls to tell her Daniel stopped by and she clears her schedule for the next hour to hear the news. I have a couple "Mollys" in my life and scenes like this make me feel grateful to them.Molly's story with Rashida continues, as one of the senior partners asks Molly to have a talk with her to have her tone down her demeanor. "I'm Django!" Molly complains later on in the episode, on a sexy date with Jidenna. I felt myself fast-forwarding their relationship because their chemistry was definitely on point, heightened no doubt by the amazing rendition of one of my favorite current songs, "Girl."Lawrence tries to make the most of temporary gig at Best Buy (at least he's in the computer department) but when he gets switched to home appliances, you can feel his disappointment ooze through the screen. This leaves him a bit down when Tasha, the bank teller from episode 3, stops by his table at the food court at the mall.I got questions about Tasha. Why is she eating her food from home at the mall? Do they talk outside of their interactions at the bank because she is awfully friendly? She hasn't crossed the line (yet!) but I've got my eye on you, girl. *gestures from my eyes to hers*Shortly thereafter, Molly heads out to meet Issa at Career Day and she catches the senior partners (all white people) having a sit down conversation with Rashida. Was she being fired or just a stern talking-to? We shall see in the next few episodes. That scene triggered a ton of conflicting emotions -- should Rashida have listened to Molly when she initially warned her about toning it down? We all tend to be a slightly more muted version of ourselves in the workplace but does that necessarily have to be the case?After one of the speakers for Career Day falls through, Issa taps Daniel as a replacement and the kids are into his career as a producer. Daniel shares that Issa was his inspiration for doing what he loves and the kids quickly pick up that he has a thing for her. (Not that it's hard to tell.) But he slips up and tells them that she raps too, and it doesn't take long for them to find her vulgar open-mic rap from the premiere episode online. Ooops. We'll catch the fall-out from that in the next episode.But the major question we're left with is --- who is satisfied? Nobody -- not Issa, not Molly, not Lawrence -- is happy where they are right now even as they are actively trying to get there. But what does satisfaction look like? Is Issa really happy with Lawrence or has there been too many years of struggle for her to get over the fantasy of Daniel, her "what if" guy? Is Molly's search for long-lasting love going to be successful or does she need to do some soul-searching first? Will Lawrence be able to land a steady job to replace this stint slanging refrigerators? I can't wait to find out.