Let Your Life Be Easy (No, Really)

My favorite question when I'm talking one-on-one with a woman in our community is, "What could you do to make this easier?"So many of us are resistant to ease. We think good things don't come easy or if we don't work hard, we don't deserve the blessings that follow.We're suspicious when things are "too easy" and instead of simply enjoying whatever has fallen into our lap, we're waiting for the other shoe to drop.But do we always have to fight for the things we want? Is there any room for the journey to be, dare I say it....easy?If we have a lifetime of evidence that hustle and stress comes before any good thing, then it makes sense that we feel we have to fight for our good days.But what if good + easy + lovely....could be our default? What would that feel like? What would it look like?Do you, anywhere in your mind, feel like it's possible?To me, ease feels like a hammock. Resting in the knowledge that you're supported. You don't have to hold yourself up alone.Today I want to encourage you to make friends with ease. (Or, in some cases, let ease make friends with you.)To start:

  • Look for opportunities to take a step back on projects. Does your hand need to be on the steering wheel if you're not even driving? (Metaphorically speaking, that is.)
  • Identify ways to sink in the flow. Pushing against the reality of what's happening is the very definition of stress.
  • Breathe. When you feel life getting too busy, too chaotic, too stressful, take a deep cleansing breath. And even when life is sailing along smoothly, pay attention to your breath. Are you holding your breath? Are you breathing too fast? Get in the habit of taking a moment to get centered with deep breathing. Your body will thank you.


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