You Can't Fake The Funk Forever


Somewhere along the line, I got real good at faking the funk.

I became an expert in smiling when I didn't feel like smiling, getting up and handling business when I didn't want to leave the house, compromising when I truly did not want to compromise.

I wasn't being true to myself, but no one around me knew that. They loved how accommodating I was. They loved that I was "nice" and could be counted on to step up for their requests.

So I found myself in a dilemma.

What would happen if I stopped being "nice"? Would people stop reaching out to me if they weren't sure I would say "Yes"?Would they still love me if I put up boundaries? If I began to truly consider what I needed first and foremost?

The answer was Maybe. The only way to find out was to be brave enough to be honest.

What I discovered was that I was indeed surrounded by people who loved me not just for what I could do for them, but who actually wanted me to be my best self.

And those who didn't? I had to learn to live without them. Hard, but not impossible.

I share this to say that while faking the funk might be comfortable, it's not fair to yourself.

You can not get what you want out of life if you're too busy wearing a mask or trying to fit some type of role. More than anything, it is your job to make sure YOU are YOU. In all seasons. In all environments. When life is hard. When life is good. When you're being overlooked. When you're shining.


Until next week, be well.


Let Your Life Be Easy (No, Really)


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