The Difference Between "Self-Care" And "Pampering"

bedPart of the beauty of owning a self-care subscription box is that I am literally always shopping. I'm always looking for items to include in the box, products to giveaway in my private subscribers group or just regular ol' products that I can use and possibly write about here on the blog.When I'm talking to other small business owners about my box, they inevitably say the same thing: "Oh I have a friend who does body butters! I'll get her in touch with you."I greatly appreciate every suggestion for a possible vendor but I also gently remind people that while I enjoy a good body butter or body scrub, that's not all my self-care box is about.When I say "self-care" people tend to think "pampering." Massages, long baths, pedicures, manicures...all of those fall under the category of pampering.But while all pampering falls under self-care, not all self-care is pampering.Sometimes self-care is simply setting boundaries.Self-care is learning to say "No" when you really mean "No."Self-care is learning to not overextend yourself.Self-care is talking about yourself with kind words.Self-care is being your own best advocate.Self-care is knowing when you've had enough and leaving the room.Self-care is saying yes to the brownie because it's just a damn brownie and eating it shouldn't feel shameful.Self-care is making your body sweat in a way that's fun to you.Self-care is creating time for your hobbies and creative activities.Self-care is ending draining relationships.Self-care is, simply, discovering what you need and then doing what you can to make it happen. 


"You Ain't Loving Hard Enough"


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