The Easiest Way To Jumpstart Your Self-Care Practice


"How do you start a consistent self-care practice?" is probably the #1 question women ask me.

My answer is simple:


In the morning, do something for yourself.

In the evening, do something for yourself.

Easy. Done.

I've followed this system (can I even call it a system because it's so damn easy?) for close to 4 years now.

It's the simplest thing I can think of to make sure I don't lose sight of who I am and what I need to thrive in a world that pulls on me damn near every waking moment.

What the "AM/PM" routine does is two-fold:

  • It powers you up for whatever your day has in store for you. You get in some me-time before work, before traffic, before kids, before whatever stresses pop up in your day.

  • It releases whatever stress you may have accumulated during the day so you can rest and actually replenish yourself before bed.

Now, what might that look like in practice for you?


  • Yoga/simple stretches

  • Morning tea/coffee

  • Journaling

  • Mirror affirmations

  • Prayer

  • Music

  • Silence (Underrated!!)

  • Warm shower

  • Aromatherapy


  • Warm bath

  • Self-massage with warm massage oil

  • Reading

  • Journaling

  • Meditation

  • Prayer

  • Netflix (yeah it counts but pay attention to how close you watch before bedtime!)

  • Aromatherapy

…And really, this is just what my list looks like. These are activities I can turn to again and again to set the mood I desire.

Now, it's important for you to note that this is not the total of my self-care practice. This is the baseline. These are the activities I include in my day that are just as common and routine as brushing my teeth or washing my face.

Take a few minutes now to consider:

  • What can I add to my morning routine that fills me up? Am I a downward dog person or a quick bath person? How much time can I devote to myself each morning?

  • What can I add to my evening routine that soothes me? What time do I need to start winding down each evening?


How to Set Up A Morning Routine That Actually Works


Letting Go Is Hard (But Oh-So Necessary)