Take Action In Your Life

person-woman-desk-laptop-largeThe biggest lesson I learned in the past year is that you are the star, director, writer, producer of your life story. Sure, there are other supporting characters who help drive the story and the Big (Wo)Man Upstairs gives us guidance when we need it. But you are the one who has the power to yell "Cut!" when it's not quite right and "Take five!" when we need to regroup and try it again.Don't give that power to anyone else.Don't let anyone else convince you that you are not capable enough, intelligent enough or don't have enough life experience to have a vision for the story that you want to tell.Don't allow others to shape the way you tell your story, or write an ending that you are not comfortable with. Take comfort in the fact that your story is unfinished. While earlier chapters might be brutal or uncomfortable or maybe just dull, it doesn't mean that the remaining chapters can't be whatever you choose.Don't be afraid to remove characters from your story who don't drive the narrative forward or who try to hog the screen time and make it all about themselves. Even if those are some of the same people from page one.When you give up that power, you feel adrift. You're stagnant. You're wondering why the days all seem the same, why you are in the same place year after year.You've got to get back in the game.You can do this. Grab the megaphone. Go find your director's chair. Gather your supporters. Review your script.And...."Action!"


Am I The Only One Who Has Ever Cried In The Shower?


2016 Self Care Retreat