What You Gain When You Unplug

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Freedom to daydream.

Space to think about what we’d choose for our life if we weren’t bombarded with other’s choices for theirs.

Time to explore — our likes, dislikes, preferences and quirks.

Time to truly connect — one on one, deeper, more intimately, with less room for misunderstandings

Opportunity to nourish quiet urgings — to paint, to draw, to design, to make music. To CREATE.

Time to nap.

Space to be quiet.

Space to enjoy that quiet.

Time to be alone with our thoughts (that’s how we untangle them).

Time to rest our brain so those aha moments bubbling below the surface have the room to emerge, damn near fully formed.

Time to love and accept ourselves AS IS, no filter, no hashtags, no contortion to fit and be visible into the algorithm.

Time to rest our tired minds from sensory overload.

Time to grow and shift and change without having to apologize for it.

Opportunity to claim your birthright - rest, renewal, replenishment.

Tara Jefferson

Tara Jefferson is the founder of The Self Care Suite. 


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