Want Guidance About The Future? Let Your Future Self Show You The Way


So many people talk about mothering their inner child or their child selves, but what I've found so helpful + nourishing is to allow myself to be mothered by my Future Self.

I stumbled upon this practice when doing some journaling to my past self.

With perspective and time, I was able to write her a letter to let her know that she did the best she could with the information she had and I was proud of her for making tough decisions.

And then I wondered: Would I be able to write a similar letter to today's self, in ten years time?

I decided that I would.

I began to visualize 10-Years-In-The-Future Me. She's brave. She's smart. She's been knocked down a few times but with these hits came lessons. She's wiser than I am.

She's successful. She knows herself better than I do, which means she knows me better than I do. Basically, 10-Years-In-The-Future Me has the perspective that I don't. She's wise. She's been through it. She knows which moves to make. I trust her guidance.

What does this look like in action?

Let's say I'm starting a new project and I'm unsure whether the move I'm about to make is a good one.

I will close my eyes and visualize my Future Self.

I can see her. Clearly. She's happy. Successful and thrilled to pieces that I set up this life for her.

I want to meet her. I want to be her one day.

Then the question becomes: What decision should I make so that can happen?

When I'm beating myself up about something that didn't quite go according to plan, she lets me know I'm still on the right path.

I wasn't always able to tap into her guidance. I couldn't feel it for a long time. But through journaling, meditating, prayer...I found the connection.

I honestly believe being able to visualize myself in the future -- successful, happy, free -- allows me to move through today with confidence.

If you want to connect with your Future Self, here's a couple of writing exercises to begin the process:

  • Write the letter to your Past Self. Go at least 10 years back. What do you wish that person had known? What are you proud of for accomplishing then? Can you encourage them with the knowledge you have now?

  • Pick a day in the future (be specific, like January 24, 2029) and journal your day. What did you do that day? What does your life look like? What are some of those things you're working toward today that would have (could have!) come true by then?

Have you been able to get guidance from your Future Self? How does it work for you?


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