Check Your Self-Care Account: Withdrawals Vs. Deposits


How often do you get to the end of the day and you are completely drained?

That's because each of us, every day, are getting slammed with withdrawals from the moment we wake up. That is LIFE.

These look like:

  • Traffic is backed up on the way to work so you're frazzled before you even sit at your desk

  • Your kids were cutting up at school so you've had to take extra time to correct their behavior

  • Your loved one is in the hospital and you've been worried nonstop

  • Your cramps have been on 1000% this cycle

  • Your newest addition to the family is sleep regressing and you haven't gotten a solid night's sleep in weeks/months

  • And so on and so on….

Life will take it out of you before you know it. Which means we gotta pay attention to ourselves. If you don't believe anything else I tell you, believe this:

You are your #1 advocate. You are the first one to know when something is "off," when you need extra love and care, when you need a moment to breathe.

This is why every week I'm asking you to make deposits in your "self-care account."

These depositsare your first line of defense when those inevitable withdrawals take place. If you are running on fumes, you are less likely to have enough mental clarity or the emotional capacity to properly deal with the issue at hand. And then you're further digging yourself into a hole.

So what do these deposits look like?

  • Taking a walk

  • Calling/chatting with a friend

  • Canceling plans to get some extra rest

  • Calling in reinforcements

  • Taking yourself to see a movie

  • Making a different decision about the way you've been handling a problem

  • Cooking something delicious

  • Sitting still

  • Taking the time to soothe your body with a bath

  • Crying it out

  • And so on and so on…

I want all of you to get in the habit of accessing what your balance is.

Often you will not have control over your withdrawals. But you do have control over the deposits.


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"You Should've Saved That For Your Diary": Ayesha Curry + Public Vulnerability